"Oh, this one's going to be hard..."
Years ago, my family was playing a game of Pictionary with some friends from church, and it was my son Christopher's turn to do the drawing. Pictionary is a guessing game that is similar to charades, where one person draws pictures to provide clues to a secret word or phrase that others must guess correctly as quickly as possible. As an example, if the word is "chicken", the person who knows the word will try to draw a chicken, while the others blurt out what they think is being drawn until someone says "chicken!". Sometimes the word or phrase is easy (most people know how to draw a chicken), but others can be practically impossible, and requires all the creativity and imagination that one can muster. It appeared that my son would have to pull out some trick out of his sleeves for this one.
Tension filled the air as the timer went off. Suddenly my son's eyes brightened as he approached the large piece of paper. He drew what looked like a canoe.
"A boat! No, a ship...a dinghy...an aircraft carrier!" I started to yell mindlessly as the little vessel started to take shape.
He shook his head, and kept drawing. Now he started to draw what appeared to be a person on the boat.
"Man on the boat...a sailor! No, pirate? Captain Hook?"
No luck so far, and the timer ticked on. What could it possibly be? Meanwhile, my son started to put some squiggly hair on the person's head, and drew a hat on top.
"George Washington!"
My son stopped drawing and fist-pumped into the air. "Yes! You got it!"
The air stood still for a second before everyone else in the room let out a collective gasp of shock and awe. It seemed beyond understanding how I could correctly guess the words "George Washington" from the drawing of a person with squiggly hair and a hat standing on a boat.
"It wasn't that hard to figure out. Chris was drawing Washington crossing the Delaware!"
It just happened that my son and I recently saw a reproduction of that famous 1851 Emanuel Leutze painting. Chris' rendition of the man on the boat was not much closer to George Washington than Peter Pan or Alice in Wonderland, but a little intuition led me to the proper conclusion. It was, albeit an imprecise one, an image of the first President of the United States of America.
In a way, we are all somewhat imprecise images. On the sixth day of creation, when God created man, it was written,
So God created man in his own image
in the image of God he created him;
male and female he created them (Genesis 1:27)
Sometimes it's hard to imagine that there is much in us that reflects God in any way. We are blemished, selfish, arrogant, shameful and without self control. Some of us are tall, short, fat, skinny, funny looking or without fashion sense. A well known pastor has often said that if you don't think that God has a sense of humor, just look at all the people around us.
Yet, despite all our shortcomings, each of us still bears God's communicable attributes. God is beautiful and creative, and we enjoy the beauty of His creation. God is righteous, and our conscience tells us what is right and wrong. God is the source of life, and we value life and admire those who save lives. God is community as a triune Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and we are made not to be alone, but to live with those we love.
May we always remember to live our days as if we are created in God's image, though we may appear only as little squiggly lines when compared to our Creator. May we also value each and every person, regardless of what we see, as someone who also bears His image in an unique way.
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